represented by the general partner, GC Hospitality GmbH & Co. KG
represented by the managing directors, René Gessler & Johannes Gessler
Belchenstraße 19a
79359 Lörrach
Phone: 07621 594020
Email: info(at)
Court of registration:
Amtsgericht Freiburg i. Br.
Commercial register number:
HRB 72 47 93
Supervisory authority:
Stadt Lörrach - Rathaus-, Luisenstraße 16, 79539 Lörrach
Value added tax identification number:
Responsible within the meaning of §10 (3) of the German State Treaty on Media Services (Medienstaatsvertrag, MDStv):
René Gessler & Johannes Gessler
The information provided on this website is carefully reviewed and updated regularly. However, we do not assume liability nor can we can guarantee that the provided information is always accurate, updated and complete. This applies, in particular, to all external websites to which direct or indirect reference is made. All information can be changed, removed or completed without prior notice. Without the explicit prior consent of the golf hotel Schloss Reinach, it is not allowed to change the present publication or its contents in any way, nor is it permitted to distribute or transmit the publication to a third party.
The European Commission has created a platform to resolve disputes online (ODR). Just follow this link: